Our services are continuously evolving, in order to respond to the needs of groups that are most vulnerable or without access to local housing services, so I will like to introduce the Annual report 2017-18 of Back on Track Housing. We understand how past criminal activities / vulnerability may quickly undermine people’s dignity. Therefore it is contingent upon us to champion the promotion of our clients’ independence and encourage them to take measured risks in achieving their maximum potential so as to develop, and promote self- dependence.  Many individuals are in need of hand-holding support, such people are given little or no choice or control over their lives.

“Our Core Value”: We pride ourselves on personal best outcomes for our client’s, cost-benefit to the public purse, wider community benefit, and this program provide an environment where our clients and other organisations that we work with, are given the opportunity to air their views and objectives that can work together for the overall benefit of a sustainable future for our clients and Back on Track.

This is why BACK ON TRACK involves the Service User in the assessing, planning, and reviewing their on-going support in order to achieve better outcome and service satisfaction. We continue to respect the fundamental values of the Service User by getting them to tell us what matters to them, so that services and supports are built around them. We offer individualised support which reflects the varying levels of needs, choices and wishes of each individual. Our support plans are drawn as part of the holistic assessment of each individual.

As a new Managing Agent for Clarion Housing Provider (Circle 33), this is a new chapter for us, this has helped to manage our own property stock without having to rely on private landlords, this has enabled us to support our clients on a daily basis through our mentoring/ support housing management sessions with our residents in the same address which provides active support as well as being more cost effective.

We are best known for assisting our clients to sustain their tenancy, enhance their levels of Housing Benefit entitlement through the Exempt Accommodation rules and the provision of Intensive Housing Management services to people with additional needs. The work that we have done has enabled many local authorities, third parties organisation and private landlords to maintain and develop a trust in our project, which (has enhanced) enhances the services they provide to people through us in the face of a very challenging environment.

Back on Track Community Sustainment is about investing in prevention and enablement; not reacting to otherwise preventable emergencies that are the reason (Award for All) funding of mentoring program was so vital to us and our clients’ sustainability and re-integration into the society.

This project has given/ increased opportunities for ex-offenders to take positive actions to progress in life; it has also improved their confidence and mental strength to engage in positive lifestyles/activities to prevent re-offending (within our clients). We developed this service due to  the increasing need for intensive counselling & mentoring support for vulnerable young adults, whom we have  re-settled in suitable accommodation but require additional help in order to enhance their re-habitation process , this has been effective and rewarding.

Performance Report: In total, we have successfully housed 147clients with 100% tenant’s sustainment, giving them hand-holding advices and support to resettle them back into the community. These years (2017-18,) (5) out of mentee enrolled into mentoring project are now in employment. (3) Are in full time college and (3) in Construction Apprenticeship with guarantee of employment when finished and received CSCS card.

DSP cheque presentation gave clients and beneficiaries a chance to give their testimony on how our services have helped them. The mentoring program is currently on-going and new projects will be developing with current mentees at BRECKNOCK ROAD CENTER, the contacts made and information shared will be taken forward into subsequent years.

Financial Review:  As a Managing agent now, having our own stocks (properties) will helps us to achieve our aims and give us financial sustainability. This year (BoT) is in a negative position, the circumstance giving rise to the deficit was during to the fact that this financial year we still had to pay rent in advance out of the referral fees to many of our new private landlords for our clients. We aim to build an unrestricted reserve of 10-20k within the next two years now that we will be relying less on the referral fees for rent deposits and increase our properties portfolio with our current landlord and new Housing providers this will put us in a stronger position financially.

Back on Track Housing is now Registered Member of CORE: is a national Government information Department for Communities and Local Government that records information on the characteristics of both Private Registered Providers’. Data is supplied to the Department for Communities and Local Government, who compile National Statistics and summary data, and deposit record level data for further analysis at the UK Data Archive (UKDA).Policy makers and practitioners regard the system as an essential tool for monitoring housing costs, assessing affordability and developing policy.

CORE provides an invaluable source of information about new lets, sales and tenants. For example, household characteristics, economic status, ethnicity, primary reason for housing, source of referral and previous tenure of occupant. In addition, since information regarding housing costs is also recorded, broad assessments of housing affordability are also possible through CORE. Information from CORE is therefore used by a range of organisations to inform funding, regulation and other policy decisions relating to social housing activity and contributes to the wider policy debate.

On this note (BoT) properties are located in a quiet environment, yet within reach of a vibrant and diverse community with accessible transport links. Our properties have been thoughtfully and lovingly converted for Housing Supported purpose. We at (BoT) pride ourselves in providing homes that are clean and in good decorative order. We make every effort to ensure that our residents’ rooms are suitable for their needs and are furnished to accommodate their belongings.

All of this was made possible by the funding received from DSP, on behalf of board of trustee, we thank you. We are looking forward to a better year ahead.


Charity No: 1160154